Foster Name:
Co-Foster Name:
2nd Phone:
Employment Status: Full timePart TimeRetiredWork from Home
Place of employment?
How many hours on average are you gone a day?
Where will the foster dog stay when you're gone?
How did you find out about Farfel's Rescue?
Why do you want to foster?
Have you ever fostered before? If yes, with who? YesNo
Do you have a yard? YesNo
What kind of fence does your yard have? What is the lowest point?
What size dogs can you foster? Small 0-25medium 25-50large 50 +any size
Please list any other animals of all breeds and species living on the property and/or in the home (name/age/species/gender(fixed?)/breed(s) - if applicable):
Please list everyone living in your household - including yourself (name/age/relationship):
Is everyone in your household aware of and on board with your intentions to foster a dog? We will require an email from all roommates agreeing to have a foster dog in the home. YesNo
Are you willing to give a foster dog 3 days to adjust to you, your family and the environment of the home? YesNo
You must agree to all of the following statements by checking the boxes below to submit this form
I understand that:
I must be at least 21 years old to adopt a rescue from Farfel’s Farm & Rescue.
There is often no prior history on our rescued dogs.
We cannot guarantee any breed information. Our interpretation is from information gathered from the shelter, vet opinion and from our prior dog interaction/experience.
That in most cases, our foster dogs have had little or no prior training and usually require basic obedience training at minimum.
Submission of home photos must be completed.
We cannot guarantee the temperament of any rescue dog.
I must sign a foster contract if/when approved.
All medical issues that need to be addressed during the foster period must be pre-approved by Farfel’s Farm & Rescue before treatment.
I attest all information provided above is true. I promise to care for my foster dog to the best of my ability. I also agree to keep a harness and ID tag on the dog when outside of the home, provide quality dog food, and adequate shelter.
I understand that I must foster at least five dogs before considering adopting. Every foster that adopts a dog is a loss of a foster home for a shelter dog in need.